Fri Sep 21 2018

Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan

Written by Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan

Carboard cutouts of children holding hands

Thirty years ago a group of families with a connection to adoption, started hosting meetings in their homes. As their needs and group grew, the need for greater sup-ports grew. Through this growth, the Saskatchewan Adoption Parents Association (SAPA) was formed. Eventually SAPA becoming a non-profit organization with support from the Ministry of Social Services and the name was changed to Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan Inc. (ASCS). This name reflects the diversity of the community they presently serve.

ASCS supports and provides information to expect-ing parent(s) that may require information about permanency planning options for their child(ren); adoptees and birth parents who may be searching; adoptive parents and their families; people interest-ed in domestic, international, private or step-parent adoption; to professionals and others who are inter-ested or may have a connection to adoption.

ASCS is also involved with the “Youth Speak Out” program. They recently had a weekend of training and these youth will be giving presentations in the Saska-toon area. ASCS also offers workshops, informational sessions, use of the Carol Bothwell resource library, and a mentorship program. ASCS hosted two “Human Libraries”. Instead of pulling a book off the shelf, the “readers” had a conversation with human “books”. The Human Library focused on personal stories.

Man working for adoption suppport centre of saskatchewan tied a balloon animal
The 30th anniversary of ASCS celebration will be on October 27, 2018 at 2:00 pm at the Broadway Theatre. Please join us for visiting, pizza/snacks, and fun with “Ginger Ninja”, comedy illusionist. Everyone is welcome. For tickets visit the Broadway Theatre call our office for more info.

November is Adoption Awareness Month. Many people are connected by adoption. There is a close connection amongst families who have adopted. Most families love to share experiences and life lessons with each other and with others. Some have shared their thoughts on adoption below.

“In my experience adoption is the most incredibly self-less love a woman can give. For me this selfless love happened two times; first my birth mom and then my stepmom. It was never a secret that I was adopted. In fact I don’t ever remember finding out. I thought I was cool in Kindergarten because I was adopted!” ~ Mary

“Chasity was legally adopted by her dad when she was 3 years old and they never once looked at each other any different than father and daughter. He stepped up to the plate because he loved her from the first day he met her and now I have grand babies with wonderful step daddies! Sometimes the match is made on another plane of existence and has a differ-ent path to become this living reality. Those are the bonds that can never be broken.” ~ Wendy

“Adoption allowed us to share in two very special kids’ lives. We have the privilege of raising two wonderful kids and feel so very blessed by their birth parents great love in sharing them with us. They are our miracle and we are honoured to be called their parents.” ~ Karen

To learn more about ASCS please visit our website or call 1-306-665-7272 or 1-866-869-2727.