This month an Art Exhibition and Sale will take place as a tribute to Alice Hanlin. The exhibition will feature work which she has created since 1946 to present day.
Alice's work will show the journey she has been on since she was a child, the wonder and the observation of her environment, putting it down on paper and canvas, using different media to communicate what she sees and feels. This exhibition contains examples of art work from different stages, depicting her lifelong passion for art.
Returning home to her roots, in the SW Corner of Saskatchewan, there has been an emotional realization in recognizing the things Alice has experienced before. Many of these returning circles are depicted in her artwork that will be on display at: McClure Place 4025 Taylor Ave E The Show will run from Oct 25th 6-9 pm. And Oct 26th 1-4pm. Dainties Coffee and Tea supplied. Please join us to give this final tribute to Alice celebrating her journey as an artist.
The following is narrated by Alice Hanlin Fifteen years ago in 2004 in an art workshop in San Miguel de Allende Mexico, I became aware of the presence of circles. A circle is a symbol of so many things: changing seasons, day and night, cycles that repeat. Circles are everywhere.
Later that same year,( not an Eastend resident yet) I was given the opportunity to spend 3 weeks in the Stegner House in Eastend. Determined to become immersed in community culture and activities, my husband John and I went to the Cowboy Poetry Festival in Maple Creek. I felt like a foreigner........... until I looked at a Maple Creek History book on a display table and saw a photograph of myself as a baby in my father's arms. This poem reflects a circle that I recognized then.
Returning to roots...
Another circle...one a bit unfamiliar.
I have almost forgotten
My early years
In Cowboy Country.....
Merry Flat
Battle Creek
Fort Walsh
The Coalmine...
Seeing my baby picture
In the Maple Creek History book
Has made me realize the truth
That this is a place of my roots.
by Alice Hanlin, Sept 18 2004