Sun Apr 21 2019

Discover More: Finding a welcome home at STM

Written by Jim Germain

Glass front doors of St. Thomas Moore College

Each morning, as the University of Saskatchewan (USask) campus comes to life, more than 25,000 busystudents, faculty and staffcrowd the hallways andclassrooms - almost five times the population ofBrooke Tolofson's entire hometown of Melfort.

But amid all the hustle and bustle of big-city university life,this first-year Arts and Science student has found a homeaway from home. Tolofson is a St. Thomas More College (STM)student. That means that she is part of a friendly collegecommunity within the greater USask campus, with accessto resources like STM academic advisors, who know her byname; she can apply for the more than $180,000 in scholar-ships and bursaries that STM gives out each year; and enjoysa choice of quiet study spaces throughout the college, alongwith healthy food options in the college cafeteria. There areplenty of friendly familiar faces, and Brooke can choose toparticipate in several STM student clubs -an opportunity sheeagerly seized upon with the Newman Players drama club.

"I knew that Newman Players club was part of the college,and that STM scholarships and bursaries were available," saidTolofson, an aspiring drama student. When she was research-ing her step from high school to university, she arranged atour of STM, and noticed the atmosphere was immediatelyvery comfortable to her."It doesn't seem as intimidating assome of the big colleges on campus. I like the smaller classsizes," she said. In February, Tolofson received an entering stu-dent bursary, and she is a cast member in the Newman Clubproduction, rehearsing twice a week with her new friends. "Ithas been a perfect fit," Tolofson said.

When STM was established in 1936 by the Basilian Fathers,as a Catholic Liberal Arts College on the Usask campus, itwas only a simple, two-story, white wooden house at thecorner of College Drive and Bottomley Avenue. Today, STMhas expanded to include 110 faculty and staff, with morethan 5,000 students registered in the 250 courses offered in18 subject areas. Registration in STM classes is open to anyUSask student, with STM course credit is counted toward therequirements of Arts and Science degrees, and in many cases,satisfies the elective requirements in other USask degreeprograms.

Along with the increase in student and faculty numbers atSTM, came a need for more space and upgraded facilities. Two major additions in the past 5 years, both recognized withcivic heritage awards, provided the updates to meet studentand faculty needs while planning for the future.

Students studying at st thomas moore

Increased enrolment numbers and upgraded facilities don'ttell the complete story of STM. It remains a college focusedon promoting academic excellence while challenging itsstudents to think creatively and critically about social issues;to communicate effectively and discover their potential as awhole person.

"STM continues to pursue the same mission that inspired itscreation," said Dr. Carl Still, interim president of the college."We seek to provide a transformative education, in the Cath-olic intellectual tradition, for young people who will becomeagents of change in the world.

Student studying at st thomas moore

"STM students have the chance to focus on social justiceissues through their courses, engage in community ser-vice-learning options, and participate in distinct collegeinitiatives including study and travel abroad, with additionalpersonal support available through campus ministers.

So, whether you simply dine at STM's popular Choices cafete-ria, hang out in the library, are registered in some of the manycourse offerings, or have additionally opted to self-declare formore benefits, you are sure to find STM a welcome home!

Check out the complete list of course offerings and descriptions at STMCOLLEGE.CA/CLASSES

REGISTER THROUGH PAWS or for more informationor academic support, call STM Academic Advisors at 306•966•8900