Thu Jun 04 2020

Golfers Live Longer

Written by Jim Germain

Health Benefits of Golf

According to a study in Sweden, golfers mortality rates are 40 per cent lower than people who don't play the game. The sport increases life expectancy by five years. Aside from adding years to your life,playing the sport can make living more enjoyable.

46 million people currently live with dementia, by the year 2050 the number is expected to reach over 131 million people. According to the World Alzheimer Report printed in 2015, the disease cost $818 billion USD. That number is expected to reach a trillion dollars by now.

Golf is a moderately intense physical activity and is likely to prevent the onset of cognitive decline and, in those with dementia, can reduce the decline of both mental and physical activity.

Statistics on the Health of Golfers

For those with dementia, golf has been shown to provide a suitable environment to:

  • interact socially
  • provide appropriate physical activity-encouraging strength and balance
  • to provide respite for careers

For older people, it can provide memories and a focus for social interaction in a community environment. Other physical benefits come from playing golf. The combination of walking, muscular workouts, and social interaction improve overall health.

Physical benefits include:

  • improved cardiovascular riskfactor profiles
  • improved bloodglucose levels
  • and increased life expectancy

Psychological benefits include:

  • improved self-esteem
  • improved confidence
  • and reduced anxiety

Golf also provides a great opportunity for developing interpersonal skills, emotional control, and enhancing social connections

More details on the benefits of golf including health can be found here.

Golf Saskatchewan is working on a series of articles focusing on different health aspects of golf.