Sat Apr 21 2018

Redefine your Personal Potential

Written by MableAnn Elliott

Practical teachings with horse sense and cowgirl logic, so that everyone can reach an elevated level of potential in all areas of life.

Horses mingling in a pasture

####Are you really tired of being sick and tired?

I mean, are you beyond even bone weary tired? If not, good for you. If so, I resonate with you for I too have experienced this, more than once. It’s not the stereotypical “burnout” that well meaning folks will point their fingers to when they think you are doing too much, or having too much fun. No, this is the quiet dis-ease of psychosomatic body-mind secrets, that which our body holds within as untold stories that our mind wants us to believe are unseen. Rather than wait until a crisis or event moves that silent dis-ease deeper, taking you out of your comfort level, I urge you to do something about it.

That all-consuming soul level fatigue most often doesn’t just come upon us. Generally it evolves over a lifetime of experiences which are challenging and/or may involve one or even several traumatic incidences. Not completely healed physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, these circumstances linger within our physical and energetic body. This is the dis-ease which lends itself to disease.

#####Your body never lies!

It remembers to beyond the DNA level of your existence. Your body is constantly speaking of your inner thoughts to the outside world, whether you understand it, or not. Your body is speaking to you perhaps aching, shouting and crying with dis-ease for your attention. Are You Listening?

#####Working together toward healing life’s hurts

What you have seen, voices you heard, emotions you felt and even things in the background you weren’t aware of, all effect you. Whether painful or joyful, it is worth considering how events have influenced your life patterns and paths you chose to walk. It is possible to influence and redefine personal potential, moving away from dis-ease before it settles into disease!

#####Be the best person you are intended to be

The ability to understand in-depth body language is highly relevant to all aspects of life; including individual and group productivity and performance enhancement through compassionate understanding of self and others.

By participating in my program “Beyond Words”, you will learn about full-sensory psychosomatic body language; as well as other tools and skills that create a bridge between the conscious and subconscious body-mind. With “Beyond Words”, you will learn more about yourself and everyone around you than you ever thought possible.

Mable Ann Elliot Self Portrait

My “Practical Teachings with Horse Sense and Cowgirl Logic”, is a renewed edge approach in dynamic psychosomatic (body-mind) awareness that works so that everyone can reach an elevated level of potential in their overall personal, professional and sport endeavors.

My Mission, is to extend a bridge for you to move into a fuller expression of your real authentic self so you can live a peaceful, fulfilling and satisfying life. For more details about my wellness programs or to contact me visit online at: